When a child is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, it impacts each family member in significant and very different ways.
Our services.
Monthly Respite
HUGS provides parents and caregivers the opportunity for much needed personal time away from the intense demands of caring for a seriously ill child. Free child care, for children ages 6 months to 12 years, is offered, where they have a lot of fun and attention, paired with a buddy in a safe, supportive environment, so that parents have time for themselves to do whatever they wish. HUGS also offers emergency respite assessed on a case-by-case basis based on need and staffing.
Family Events
Monthly family dinners bring families together, allowing parents time to relax, share information and provide support and fellowship to one another in a caring and comfortable environment, while kids play to their heart's content. Parents say one of the best things about HUGS is meeting other families who are in similar situations and being able to talk with others who understand the challenges of caring for a seriously ill child.
Peer Support Groups
Peer support gatherings provide a non-judgmental environment for specific peer groups. These fun, focused activities allow participants to freely share feelings while supporting each other within a group that understands the experiences and challenges they all face. Held monthly, Mom's Night may include dinner and a movie or a spa night while Dad's Night may include dinner and a movie, bowling, or a sports game.
Sibling Support
Siblings, too, need support. Brothers and sisters sometimes feel "forgotten" when all of the focus and attention are placed on the seriously ill child. HUGS provides an annual, three-day siblings-only camp to help them express their feelings, increase their self-esteem, and make new friends with other siblings who are facing similar struggles. SibCamp engages siblings, ages 7-17 years, through meaningful activities as well as fun, recreational activities and all the adventure that camp provides. They often can't wait until the next year!
Case Management (Ho'okele)
HUGS' case management program, Ho'okele, which means to navigate, provides families with an extra level of support. Our case manager helps families by assessing their personal situation and providing information and referrals and connecting them to community resources they need. These may include financial assistance with emergency rental or utility payments, job placement/search programs, child care, and individual and family counseling. HUGS researches local resources, facilitates connections with resources and follows up with families to ensure their needs are satisfied.
Hospital Outreach
HUGS staff and trained volunteers make regular visits to children and their families in local hospitals. These visits help children cope with their fears, anxieties and feelings of boredom associated with hospitalization. New toys and gift cards are given to children undergoing painful treatments such as a spinal tap or bone marrow aspirations. Trained volunteers engage children, teens and siblings with interactive games and activities that help to reduce stress and anxiety. HUGS provides amenity kits filled with basic hygiene items for use during an extended hospital stay.
Airfare Assistance
Recognizing the financial challenges that families with seriously ill children face and that needed medical treatment is not always available in Hawaii, HUGS provides emergency airfare assistance. This enables family members to be together during a critical time when a child needs life-saving medical treatment, such as an organ transplant or cardiac surgery, on the mainland. Emergency airfare is also available for neighbor island families during a child's extended hospitalization on Oahu when medical services are not available in their community. Donations of HawaiianMiles from the community help make this possible.
Annual Special Events
Honolulu Elks Lodge Paddle Out for HUGS, organized by the Honolulu Elks lodge, is a fun new annual event in Waikiki for HUGS children and their families. Families get to out paddling and enjoy the serene waters as the waves wash their cares and stressors away. For some, it’s the first time on a canoe.
A moving Celebration of Life is held every year at our memorial garden at Sunset Ranch Hawaii, where trees are planted in memory of HUGS kids that have passed on. Each tree is a living legacy, marked with a plaque.
Every year in July for over 5 years, Wet’n’Wild has hosted our HUGS families for a Christmas in July event. Our families get to enjoy the water park, have lunch, and receive Christmas presents.
Kokua Kupboard
Since 1985, HUGS has partnered with the Hawaii Foodbank to provide non-perishable food to needy HUGS families. Donations from the community also help stock our cupboards.