4th Annual Love’s Spirit of Giving
Love’s and the Hawaii Foodservice Alliance is once again hosting the 4th Annual Love’s Spirit of Giving and will award $75,000 to local nonprofits that make an impact in the community. Last year, your nominations helped us receive $5,000 and we’re humbly asking if you can help us again. Go to lovesbakery.com/spirit-of-giving-2024/ to nominate HUGS by filling out the entry form with the following info by
August 11:
Name of organization: HUGS for Hawaii’s Seriously Ill Children and Their Familes
Contact at Organization: Maureen Purington
Email of contact: maureen@hugshawaii.org
Contact’s Position: Executive Director
Contact’s Phone Number: 808-732-4846
Type of Organization: Families & Youth Development
Organization’s Address: 3636 Kilauea Avenue
Organization’s City: Honolulu
State: Hawaii
Zip Code: 96816
Organization’s Website: www.hugshawaii.org
Reason for Nomination: (in 100 words or less, explain why you are nominating HUGS)
Tax ID#: 99-0213594
Fill out your personal information in the required fields